Pre-heating the cooling water of a diesel engine is an essential process that ensures reliable engine starts in cold weather conditions while reducing engine wear, extending the service life of the engine. We design Pre-Heating units to your specific demands. They are user-friendly, operate on proven technology and ensure an easy installation as well as maintenance.

Want to know more? Take a look at some of our built units and their specific properties!

A pre lubrication system is used to fill the engine system and moving parts before the engine starts. In order to reduce the period between starting the engine and pumping the oil through the moving parts. This period causes most of the engine wear.

For more detailed information, take a look at some of our built units and their specific properties!


Oil Pump Units

An oil pump unit is an integrated system designed for the efficient loading/unloading or transfer of lubricating oil or Fuel oil from one location to another. The system consists of a pump, filters, piping, and a control panel, all mounted on a rigid skid for easy installation and mobility.

For more detailed information feel free to consult us!

Double Oil pump Unit like LFO unloading pump unit, LFO Transfer pump unit, LO Loading pump unit, LO Unloading pump unit, LO Transfer pump unit, HFO Transfer pump unit.
Leak Oil Collecting Tank for collecting leak oil and drain oil from diesel engines.

A leak oil collecting tank for diesel engines serves as a reservoir designed to collect and contain leak oil from the fuel injection pumps from the engine. Generaly there are two types of leak oil, the clean leak oil and the dirty leak oil.

For more detailed information feel free to consult us!

Space saving and user-friendly; our heaters and resistors make sure they are low maintenance yet high functioning. With their economic design they will fit in perfectly. Our products also have many environmental benefits amongst others being environmentally friendly via its CO2 reduction. 

For more detailed information feel free to consult us!

With our spare parts we considerable enhance the lifecycle of an installation. All of our spare parts are from an original equipment manufacturer. Which, in itself benefits its durability. Furthermore, they are warranted to ensure a long lifespan. Whenever parts are no longer in production, and therefore not available, we offer the equivalent quality in the same price range.

Want to know more?  Take a look at our spare parts.